Monday, November 30, 2015

12 month character challenge: a journey

Definitely started this blog for cooking and health posts, but, I am officially transforming it into something I need more.

Disclaimer: I am not a writer, I don’t always have eloquent grammar and word pairings, but, here we are.

I have decided, in addition to my fitness goals, to add what I am referring to as my ‘health’ goals. I want to dig a little deeper rather than just being fit and healthy, I want to be a good person and that does take work.
So, I have written a list of 12 words I truly want to embody. I was going to wait and start in 2016, but why wait? I am going to choose a word per month that I want to personify and really focus on that word until I feel like I exemplify that word as often as it is needed.

Image result for genuine

December’s word is going to be GENUINE.

I started with the definition. What does it literally mean to be genuine?               Source: Meriam Webster online
                truly what something is said to be; authentic.
                (of a person, emotion, or action) sincere.

If you want to follow my journey of a year’s worth of character challenge and building, please do so. I will need to be held accountable. I will need a friendly hand to hold. Some words I have chosen will take me down really tough paths, some will be easier than others. But at the end of a year, I want to be a much better person, a person who understands exactly who they want to be, and strives to be her.
Thanks guys,