Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Delayed Gratification

“I do think that we have somehow, in our pursuit of comfort and happiness, shifted a lot of value to fun, fast and easy. But it’s counterfeit value. The amount of energy it takes to live a life where you never fall down is so much. We’re enamored of grit, tenacity, courage, and perseverance, I think because they’re so rare. They’re truth.” -Brene Brown


Delayed gratification seems to be a big part of persevering. That is, just because it’s easy and available right here right now, doesn’t mean it’s in line with your goals. You want to be healthy so you start trying out diet pills because you heard they will make you thin faster! But, there are chemicals and side effects that do more harm than help. You want to be financially stable but you really NEED that bouquet from EcoFlower (cough cough, me)

As a product of my generation, I do struggle with delayed versus instant gratification. I also lack patience in general so that combined is tough. For me, I guess, it’s about balancing. Yes, you should go on vacation even though you want to save money. What’s the point of working hard if you don’t get to do something relaxing for ONE week out of the year? What’s the point of working hard for your goal body if you never taste the fancy cheesecake or eat the fried macaroni? The problem a lot of people run in to is when the going gets tough we instantly seize up and seek for comfort through those tough times. We think, I need to feel better NOW. We forget to delay gratification, we forget that we are tenacious, courageous and able to persevere. But, it’s necessary. When bad things happen that throw us into emotional vulnerability, we need to program ourselves to just keep going forward. Feel those feelings. Express them. Love yourself through it, do not shove them aside for instant comfort (food, laziness, alcohol, whatever)

It’s easy, but you will be denying your authentic self the truth that it deserves.

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