Enjoying this little blog post about the 5 Enemies of
Enemy #1: A lifestyle of giving up
I like that they point out the link between potential and
perseverance. You will never know the depth of your talents OR your potential
if you keep babying yourself or giving up when the going gets tough. How
awesome will it be to stick to your goals day after day and continuously amaze
yourself at all you CAN do.
I am really guilty of this one… I baby myself. I recently
read a quote that someone posted about how you shouldn’t be afraid to be a
beginner. WOW talk about a truth bomb that I hadn’t even recognized before
then. I am afraid to be a beginner. I hate going into doors of new places
first, I hate first dates, I hate interviews, I hate going to a class for the
first time alone, I reject things if I am not naturally good at them. And now,
I realize, this is out of FEAR. For the rest of the month, I will be sitting
with this enemy of perseverance and making sure it will no longer be in my way.
Enemy #2: A wrong belief that life should be easy
I guess this one comes to me honestly as I was never raised
in a household with money. I never really expected things and I certainly never
thought life would be easy. My mom made sure to drill into my head, in fact,
how hard life would be. (That’s probably where my financial anxiety stems from,
really.) But instead of being disheartened and discouraged that life kinda
sucks sometimes, I narrow my focus on the beauty I can create by working hard
and seeing the silver linings.
Enemy #3: A wrong belief that success is a destination
Yep, definitely super guilty of this previously. Previously,
as in a few weeks ago. If you think you have arrived, you are in deep trouble.
As soon as I would think, ah finally, I have reached my goal. I would begin
slipping backwards almost immediately. And then I would blink and be right back
where I began. THIS TIME, I understand that perseverance is forever.
Enemy #4: A lack of resiliency
For this, I prefer a synonym…buoyancy. Our ability to float
on top of the treacherous waters. I have used this example before, but it’s
what I use and it works for me. I think of my life as a blue and cloudless sky.
Emotions and circumstances are clouds (sometimes fluffy and white, sometimes
dark and scary) but I know if I just keep thinking of that blue sky, the clouds
will pass over. Sometimes it’s hard to be strong, especially emotionally. It’s
okay to take time and cry face down in your pillow until you literally can’t
any more, but then, get up, stop crying, and go kill those goals because at the
end of the day, doing something productive to enhance your life will make you
feel better.
Enemy #5: A lack of vision
What is your why? Why did you start? Why do you continue?
you physically write out your goals every week? Speak them into existence? I
highly encourage you to sit with yourself in silence in a relaxed state and let
your mind set your intentions for the upcoming day/week/month. Whatever works
for you. As soon as you meet one goal, set another. Keep envisioning all those
things you want and you deserve.
Hope this helps you as much as it did me!
#1 & #3 especially hit home with me as well. I need to focus on what my actual goals are. Sometimes I think of what my goals should be instead of what I actually am going after. Thanks for this post! (kdfitgirl)