Monday, January 18, 2016

Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are

I wanted to review The Gifts of Imperfection for my #fitgirlbookclub ladies but there's a lot that I want to share, so I thought doing a post on my blog might be the best place. 

This past year, for me, has been about getting to know myself. That's been the biggest component in fueling my journey through health and fitness. To quote Brené, "how much we know and understand ourselves is critically important, but there is something that is even more essential to living a Wholehearted life: loving ourselves. Knowledge is important, but only if we're being kind and gentle with ourselves as we work to discover who we are."
So here you are, working so hard to become a "better person" - but are you loving yourself right here and right now? Are you speaking softly to yourself on those hard days? 

In her preface towards the end it says, "it's life work. It's soul work." That is how I've come to label my health and fitness journey. This is work I will be doing for life. And I'm doing it for my soul, not really for my body. Yes, it's super fun to watch my body get stronger and transform and do all these awesome things that I couldn't do a few weeks ago. But, the biggest reward is the feeling in my soul. Joy. 

If you feel that you'll only be worthy when you lose the weight, get pregnant, get sober, hold your marriage together... Etc. then this is a book for you. You are worthy NOW. When you start walking down the road towards self-love, it will feel scary. Sometimes it's hard for me to be vulnerable on Instagram but it's even harder with people I know personally, I still have to work to banish my fear and love myself enough not to bury my light. 

She talks about perfectionism. I am so guilty of this mindset and I didn't realize it was getting in the way of my joy until this book. I thought it was great to strive for perfection and plan, plan, plan and work, work, work. No, Brené's research points directly to the need for PLAY. The need for creativity. The need to do things that have zero productive qualities besides that we enjoy it. I need to start using self-compassion and face my feelings rather than focusing on planning the future as a distraction. "When we numb the dark, we numb the light." I want to be brave enough to stay mindful of the techniques I use to avoid vulnerability (planning, perfectionism, etc) and be able to lean into those feelings because then I will be leaning into the good feelings, too. 

As I said, creativity and play are important to the human spirit. I used to take painting classes and while I was no Picasso, I really enjoyed it! I love to dance and I love interior design. These are my creative outlets. I am going to carve out time every week to color in my coloring book, or go buy art supplies, or do a home project or start banishing my fear of being VULNERABLE and NEW at something and start finding classes. I love learning new things but I'm always too scared to be new. I know how free I feel when I'm letting creativity flow, so that's my big takeaway. MAKE TIME EVERY WEEK FOR CREATIVE FREEDOM. 

I have to continue my yoga practice every single day. Yoga isn't necessary to calm the mind, but for me it works. I am very anxiety prone, I start to tense and freak out over the smallest details out of place. For my mental well being and the well being of those around me, I'm going to continue working towards becoming a calm force rather than a reckless one. 

The other big takeaway this book showed me (which I have known and been desperately trying to avoid) is that I absolutely have to find meaningful work. It's my personal opinion that the job that brings home money does not have to fulfill you. But I do believe it's critically important to a happy life that you find something that brings joy and meaning to you through work. I'm okay with 8-5 Monday to Friday because it's an easy job that ends as soon as I walk out the door, it gives me the financial freedom and stability to do other things that I love. However, I'm not using that time for my gifts and talents. My entire life I wanted to hold babies in orphanages. Crazy, right? But go to a third world country and see how those tiny babies live. I would hold 4 babies at a time because I just knew they needed human touch. They just needed to know they aren't alone. What happened to that girl? She realized holding babies wouldn't let her retire one day? So now I have the job with the great 401k, and what? I have weekends. I have holidays. I need to find that thing that brings me joy because I know I'm letting my light shine. I'm going to read a book suggested by Brené called One Person/Multiple Careers by Marci Alboher. I'm hoping to get more insight as to what steps I need to be taking to embrace the slash and become a banker/ fitness enthusiast/ chef / holder of babies. 

Read this book if you think any of those things would speak to you in your own way. 


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