Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Stick It!


The link for a list of 10 tips to help you 'stick with it' - I only chose a hand full because I didn't feel all of them applied.

Sharpen your focus.

Keep your goals visible at all times – through Fit Girl’s Guide I saw how beneficial writing out my fitness goals were. I have found that you essentially speak those goals into existence every day when you write them out. I have carried that over into every area of my life and write out weekly, monthly and yearly goals in my planner that is carried with me everywhere so that I am constantly reminded of small, achievable goals that I need to be working towards.

Worry wrecks your focus.

I am a bona fide worry wart. I have anxiety about the future and things I cannot change and things that will probably never happen. I will have to work on this for sure in order to become more steadfast! When I spend my energy worrying, I have no energy left to do things right here and now that need done.

Tame your technology.

I have learned this as time has gone on, if I stop doing what I am doing to check my phone, my focus has been shifted. I lose momentum. Just because you receive a notification, don’t turn your attention away from your task! If you need to set a time block and make your family/friends/work (whatever your circumstance) aware that you will be unavailable during that time slot every day, you will find you get so much more done on your goal list! I think I might start setting aside more time away from my phone in the evenings for time beyond just working out, like time for reading or coloring to wind down from the day.

Prepare for two steps ahead.

I am a planner through and through. Sometimes I get TOO ahead of myself and lose focus on the task at hand because I am already focused on what needs done in the future. I need to learn to balance that better. Preparing while remaining in the present.


‘Do or do not. There is no try’

"Life rewards those who let their actions rise above their excuses." Less excuses is actually one of my big “resolutions” for this year and beyond. Yes, it’s okay to fail. But I have a bad habit of setting myself up to make excuses for failing BEFORE I even fail!

You get what you expect.

Set high expectations for yourself. And for others. I do. Know what you are capable of and know who you are and then set that bar high. When you reach (and then exceed) those high expectations you set for yourself, you will be even more proud of your hard work and persistence to make those things happen! If you only expect the minimum from yourself, what will drive you to push hard?


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