Tuesday, December 22, 2015


The biggest thing I have learned about being genuine in all of this? One hundred other things stem from choosing to be true to yourself (or not choosing). Your self-esteem rests on you getting to know and love yourself. The self at your core.


I have noticed, this month more than ever, since putting a magnifying glass over authenticity that once you know yourself, you can genuinely be happy for others. You can lift other women up and be GENUINE about it. You don’t have other motives, you don’t feel like you are less because they are more in a certain area. You let her shine when it is her moment. THAT is a sign of self-happiness. When you no longer feel threatened by any other human on this earth because you cherish all that makes you unique and whole and wonderful.


I didn’t use to be like that. I used to be bitter. Really, really bitter towards other women. I thought they were all catty and horrible and mean especially the pretty ones. Now that I have grown up and grown into a woman that I know and love, I see that a lot differently. There are some beautiful, kind and very fiercely loving women on this planet. How dare I give them a cold shoulder or a snarky comment because I don’t think they are just as worthy of friendship and love as I am? I am so glad I have rid myself of that jealousy and bitterness. I am lighter because of it, I get to become friends with some amazing ladies that I wouldn’t have been able to get to know before.

Self-love and self-happiness both hinge on being being truly genuine. The sooner you embrace that the sooner your life will be more fulfilling!


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